Jaguin Love Science Fiction Romance Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 edition by SE Smith Romance eBooks

Jaguin Love Science Fiction Romance Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 edition by SE Smith Romance eBooks
Another wonderful book in the Dragon Lords of Valdier series. I love this series because each book can be read as a stand-alone story, with a new couple and a HEA. And yet, if you read the series like I do it is so much more rich and fulfilling. In a prior book Sara was horribly abused by a vicious drug dealer. She was rescued, but that book was not her story, it was Carmen's story. This book tells us what became of Sara. A lot of it is sad, dealing with the painful memories. But Sara's true mate, Jaguin, is just the dragon shifter to help her through it. But what I really loved was the ending of this book. It was so very good and unexpected. I cannot wait for the next Dragon Lords of Valdier book.
Tags : Jaguin's Love: Science Fiction Romance (Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8) - Kindle edition by S.E. Smith. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,S.E. Smith,Jaguin's Love: Science Fiction Romance (Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8),Montana Publishing,Fiction Romance Science Fiction,Fiction Romance Fantasy
Jaguin Love Science Fiction Romance Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 8 edition by SE Smith Romance eBooks Reviews
This series is honestly my favorite. In each book, there is a strong heroine, and a strong male who loves her. In each book each couple have something to overcome, to battle usually each other at first. Then a common enemy or problem. I love the world's, the characters, you grow to truly care about each one, eagerly awaiting the next book to catch up on the other couples life's. The world and characters become almost as real to you as our own world. Fabulous author, fabulous book. This book Sara was rescued from a abuser on earth and because of her injuries was taken by a warrior from Valdier whose true mate she was. He just had to convince her she was strong enough to give love a chance. I truly recommend this book to anyone who loves good sci fi fantasy romance.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
I feel so disloyal to all of my other favorite authors. But, Susan's Dragon Lords of Valdier series is, by far, my forever favorite. I love getting caught up in small town family sagas. I love feeling a part of the lives of a group of friends in other series. But, there is no other cast of characters that compares to those of The Dragon Lords of Valdier. I just want to live in their world. I just want to be part of their lives.
In this book, we meet Jaguin - the man, the dragon, and the symbiot. The man is perfect. He creates no problems. He only provides protection and deep love. The symbiot is warm, gentle, adorable. But, the dragon! He is so funny and just an emotional open book. This story is so well written that I could absolutely experience what all three parts of Jaguin were feeling. The wrenching heartbreak both Jaguin the man and the dragon suffered when the dragon has lost all control was so painful. The acute sadness of the symbiot as he realizes his true mate will never be his brought tears to my heart.
Jaquin's Love can be read as a stand alone, but don't cheat yourself. If you don't go back and start the series from the beginning, you will really be missing out! As for me, I can't wait for Susan to write her next, Twin Dragons Destiny
I have been caught in this series from the first book and now I am at book 8. How is that possible? Must be the fine writing/storytelling. The characters are so well drawn with their dialogue, their actions, and their stream of consciousness. No unnecessary words. No long-drawn out descriptions. Characters from other books intertwine with the characters in this book bringing the Earth, Valdier, Curizan and Sarafin worlds together and keeping my interest in what is happening in these worlds. The primary characters in this 8th novel are Sara and Jaguin. Rescuing Sara from a sadistic cartel lord on Earth, Jaguin is eager to claim Sara as his true mate. With patience and gentleness their story evolves. Ms. Smith has this whole relationship thing down. The book is about their story, and as in her other novels, that is enough. I am entertained on many levels -- sci-fi, good overcoming evil, finding one's strengths, developing ongoing relationships -- and I could go on. Strong values being tested and re-affirmed win me over every time.
Title Jaguin's Love
Series Dragon Lords of Valdier
Author S.E. Smith
Designation Book Eight of Series, Full-Length(181 Pages) Can Be Read As Standalone Sci-Fi/Paranormal Romance, NO Cliffhanger
Reading Platform Edition
My Rating Five Delightfully Entertaining Stars*****
I adore action/adventure, love science fiction, obsessed with anything paranormal, totally smitten with sexy aliens, and completely addicted to romance but give me the perfect combination of them all and I'm in heaven! And that's exactly what S.E. Smith has delivered to her readers with Jaguin's Love, the riveting eighth release in her bestselling Dragon Lords of Valdier Series. Be still my heart! I've been a diehard S.E. Smith fan for several years and have read almost her entire library of published work but I must admit, The Dragon Lords of Valdier is, without a doubt, my favorite of all her series. I anxiously await each new release and Smith never disappoints. Smith is a remarkably gifted storyteller who excels at creating highly imaginative and vividly depicted worlds populated with fascinating, diverse and unique characters who literally explode from the pages, capture your imagination, tug on your heartstrings and completely steal your heart. I always know I'm guaranteed a wondrous, mind-blowing adventure before I ever read the first line and Jaguin's Love was no exception. The narrative was fast-paced, well-crafted, well-edited and beautifully written in the third person with primary his and her perspectives from the two protagonists. As in many of the books of this series, we also see an occasional peek into the thoughts of the Goddess Aikaterina which I find truly fascinating since it's actually her character who sets the stage for many of the stories. She may not be the entity actually controlling the outcome of fate but she is responsible for setting into motion many of the events that will help determine the future of the characters in these stories. I identify her as a sort of guardian angel for all the species of the galaxy who holds a special affection for the Valdier because they once saved her life. It's truly unique and quite intriguing. The dialogue was smart, seductive, well-executed, at times laugh-out-loud funny, and flowed effortlessly. But without a doubt, my favorite component of every Smith book is the cast of captivating, engaging and unconventional characters. They are the heart and soul of every story. Who doesn't love sexy dragon-shifters, right? But these dragon-shifters are not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill shifters! They're sexy alien warriors made up of three separate but connected entities, their two-legged human-like man form, their shifted dragon alter personas and their golden symbiots which are gifted to each warrior at birth by the Goddess. The symbiots usually take the shape of some type of animal but are also worn for protection, and can change into any form, both animate and inanimate, and can be anything from armor, to weapons, to jewelry, and even a spaceship! Oh my! Although they are connected, physically as well as mentally, each has its own individual characteristics and voice. And they couldn't be more different...and at times, absolutely hilarious. These dragons are so darn cute and the conversations they have with their two-legged alters are hysterical. The entire concept is fascinating, ingenious and completely entertaining. But where the problem lies is all three entities must agree upon a single female in order for her to be accepted as their true mate, making the choice seem more a curse than a blessing, and made all the more difficult by the shortage of eligible females. Oh my! I was immediately drawn into the story by the two protagonists, beautiful human botanist Sara Wilson, and brave Valdier dragon-shifter warrior Jaguin. I fell in love with Jaguin and Sara when they were originally introduced in an earlier book. These two characters captured my imagination as well as my heart, and I could hardly wait to read their story. In reading several of the reviews for this book, I noticed several were critical of this story with the main reason being the lack of a tangible villain and a lot of shootem' up action. They felt something was missing. They couldn't have been more wrong. There was absolutely nothing redundant or generic about this story. The true villain in this story was PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and it's so much more frightening than any flesh and blood bad guy. It leaves hopelessness, despair, and destruction in the lives of those it affects beyond the worst nightmares imaginable. Obviously, some readers missed the point of this story completely. The true meaning was not lost on me since I am also one of the victims claimed by this disorder and suffered for many years. Possibly, that's the reason I recognized the true villain of this story. I implore you; please don't allow a few negative reviews to influence you into not reading this book. You will have missed an emotionally moving story about a young woman who experienced a neglected childhood, felt unloved and unwanted, and her struggle to survive, move forward in life and find love. But in order to slay her personal demons, she must overcome the aftereffects of a horrific ordeal while conquering the most frightening villains of all... the ones who appear in our minds and haunt not only our waking thoughts, but also our dreams. Did I like this book? No, I LOVED it! Would I recommend it? You bet and I am but only for adult readers since it does contain some steamy, dreamy love scenes. Although this book can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading all the books of the series in sequence to enrich the overall experience. The author does a great job of giving ample backstory but there are some parts of the story where the reader may feel like they have missed key elements of the storyline if they haven't read the previous books. Will I read this author again? Absolutely! Just as soon as she releases her next book! Was I entertained? Completely! I was glued to my chair, white knuckling my ereader, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest with the pages flying as quickly as the time! I laughed, I cried, and my heart broke into pieces, but by the end, I was happy, satisfied and well entertained! I loved it! If you're looking for a captivating sci-fi romp filled to the brim with sexy aliens, heart-pounding adventure, heartbreaking angst, fiery passion, heartwarming romance, steamy sex, and the indomitable promise of hope, then you will, most assuredly, enjoy Jaguin's Love. Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read!
Like many of his brethern, Valdier warrior Jaguin had all but given up hope of ever finding his true mate. Unmated females on Valdier had grown fewer and fewer over the centuries. It had become nearly impossible for a Valdier warrior to find their one true mate, leaving them with feelings of great despair, all the while knowing that without a true mate, their dragons would eventually drive them mad. Jaguin understood this hopelessness all too well as evidenced by the increasing difficulty he was experiencing in controlling his dragon. He would soon have to admit to the elders his time had come to move on to the next life... before he went mad and hurt someone. Jaguin was known as a great warrior on Valdier and accompanying his leader's brother, Creon Reykill, and his human mate, Lady Carmen Walker-Reykill, to Earth most likely would be his last mission. Although this was his first trip to Earth, it was not the first time the Valdier had visited the planet. Zorn Reykill, King of Valdier, had made an emergency landing on the strange world after escaping captivity during an attempt by a group of traitors to steal the throne and start a war between the Valdier, Curizan and Sarafin. He had been injured and was rescued by beautiful Earth female Abby Tanner who miraculously turned out to be his true mate. The human race was a new species to the Valdier and Zoran's discovery had given his people renewed hope for the future. Since that time, all four of the other Reykill princes along with several Valdier warriors had also found human mates. Jaguin was here on Earth with Creon Reykill and a group of Valdier warriors to aid Creon's mate, Lady Carmen Reykill, locate and kill the man responsible for the murder of her first mate and unborn child. It was Jaguin's job to help protect Lady Carmen, made all the more difficult by her currently being pregnant with twins. But that had not been the only reason for his desire to visit Earth. He had hoped that by coming to Earth on this mission, the Goddess would bless him by allowing him to find his mate among the humans just as all the Reykill brothers had. Unfortunately, during his time on Earth, none of the human females had stirred his dragon or excited his symbiot. It was time to admit failure and give in to the inevitable. His time was over. He would never find a mate in this lifetime... or would he? Surprisingly, he would, but never in a million years could he have imagined the pain and anger he experienced once he saw the beautiful human woman, bound, beaten, tortured and very near death... a female who was his true mate. After hundreds of years of searching, had he finally found the one female who could complete him as well as save both him and his dragon, only to lose her before they even had a chance to be together? Was he too late to save her? We'll see!
Beautiful botanist Sara Wilson has always been a survivor but she now clung to life by only a thread. She had lost track of the time along with the number of beatings she's received at the hands of Columbian drug lord Cuello, her cruel and obviously demented captor. But she knew she had to hang on. Sara had always put the needs of others ahead of her own and she had to protect the other young woman, Emma, who was also a prisoner, and so very fragile, in mind as well as body. Sara had never been afraid of death. At this point, it would have been a welcome relief, but that doesn't mean she wanted to die. She'd survived the horrors of being unloved and abandoned as a child; surely, she could survive this. She desperately wanted to live, but she was too weak; her body could not withstand much more of the punishment as Cuello and his men whipped and tortured her repeatedly, all the while calling her by another woman's name, Carmen Walker. Whoever this Carmen Walker was and whatever she had done, it was obvious Cuello wanted her dead and was using Sara and Emma as look-alike substitutes to exact his punishment and revenge. As she felt her consciousness fading and her life force escaping, her final thoughts were those of regret... never again being able to work with her beloved plants and leaving Emma to suffer her fate alone. She had no idea that fate was about to intervene and offer her something she thought she'd never find. Surely, her mind was playing tricks on her because suddenly she could no longer feel the pain. She was surrounded by the comforting feelings of peace, safety, and warmth. It had to be trick... or had she been rescued by someone... or possibly by something? Dragon-shifters, golden symbiotic animals, spaceships and wondrous alien planets could never be real, right? After being abandoned by her mother, then suffering a lonely neglected childhood of being unloved by the only family she knew, and now enduring a harrowing ordeal at the hands of a madman, she had built a wall around her heart to protect her from ever being hurt again. She would never be able to conquer her inner demons and fall in love with anyone, much less a huge handsome alien who turned into a frightening dragon and had a golden symbiot as a companion, right? Hmm... We'll see!
Another wonderful book in the Dragon Lords of Valdier series. I love this series because each book can be read as a stand-alone story, with a new couple and a HEA. And yet, if you read the series like I do it is so much more rich and fulfilling. In a prior book Sara was horribly abused by a vicious drug dealer. She was rescued, but that book was not her story, it was Carmen's story. This book tells us what became of Sara. A lot of it is sad, dealing with the painful memories. But Sara's true mate, Jaguin, is just the dragon shifter to help her through it. But what I really loved was the ending of this book. It was so very good and unexpected. I cannot wait for the next Dragon Lords of Valdier book.

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