When The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Daniel H Pink 9780735210622 Books

When The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Daniel H Pink 9780735210622 Books
4.5★sWhen: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is the fourth book by bestselling American author, Daniel H. Pink. If we’re making an important life decision, what we decide obviously requires careful consideration. But what about when we decide? Could the time of day that we make a decision be significant? Could the time of day affect how well we learn or do our work? Does it really matter when we have that first cup of coffee? According to Dan Pink, it definitely does.
In this intriguing book, Pink examines the importance of good and bad timing. He begins by explaining how our individual chronotype (easily established) determines both our mood and our ability to perform at any given time of the day: how it affects our professional and our ethical judgements, as well as our physical function.
But he doesn’t just pontificate on the best time to do something for future success and happiness. He acknowledges that not everyone can control their work environment or the financial climate as they enter the job market. Pink also gives practical suggestions for dealing with less than ideal conditions, as well as hints and tips to improve everyday life.
Pink supports his points with data and simple, clear graphs. The depth of his research is apparent in every paragraph, and supported by his extremely comprehensive (26-page) notes section detailing references for each chapter. As well as six suggestions for further reading, Pink includes an 8-page index. But the most useful thing about this book is his Time Hacker’s Handbook: salient points from each section are condensed into summaries full of hints and tips and practical exercises that appear after each of the first six chapters.
Pink explains in detail: why having a coffee before a power nap makes sense; why combining a lunch break with an education session at 1pm (as some teaching hospitals do with their Grand Rounds) is counterproductive (ditto 8am lectures for University students); when the worst time to be a hospital patient is, and why; and the reason some people have the so-called “mid-life crisis”.
He looks at the effects of starting one’s career during a depressed jobs-market; why a mid-point (in a project, in a career, in a life) can cause a slump or a spark; how to overcome a bad start; when to quit your job; when to get married; when to exercise; the importance of breaks; and much, much more. Illustrating his points are choirs and rowing teams and basketballers and dubbawalas delivering tiffin tins and Hanukkah candles and the captain of the Lusitania.
Pink’s fourth book should be compulsory reading for bosses, educators, and schedulers, for policymakers, company executives, and performers, but there is plenty in this fascinating book that the average person will find applicable to their lives. This is a quick read that rewards time spent with some excellent insights. Recommended!

Tags : When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing [Daniel H. Pink] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The instant New York Times</i> Bestseller #1 Wall Street Journal</i> Business Bestseller Instant Washington Post</i> Bestseller Brims with a surprising amount of insight and practical advice. -- The Wall Street Journal</i> Daniel H. Pink,Daniel H. Pink,When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing,Riverhead Books,0735210624,Decision-Making & Problem Solving,Social Psychology,Time Management,Time - Psychological aspects,Time perception,Time perception.,Time;Psychological aspects.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Decision-Making & Problem Solving,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Time Management,BUSINESS DECISION MAKING,Business & Economics,BusinessEconomics,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY Social Psychology,PsychologyCognitive Psychology & Cognition,PsychologySocial Psychology,SCIENCE Time,ScienceTime,United States,dan pink; science; psychology; self help; self-help; aging; midlife; life planning; financial planning; stop light; planner; scheduler; business books; psychology books; science books; leadership books; management books; to sell is human; drive; relationship books; self help books; best sellers list new york times 2018; books bestsellers; gifts for dad; gifts for mom; gifts for him; gifts for her; holiday gifts; inspirational gifts; when book; daniel pink; new years resolution book; new years resolution; pink; the power of when,new years resolution book;new years resolution;gifts for dad;gifts for mom;gifts for him;gifts for her;holiday gifts;inspirational gifts;when book;daniel pink;business books;best sellers list new york times 2018;books bestsellers;to sell is human;drive;management books;relationship books;science books;leadership books;psychology books;self help books;stop light;planner;scheduler;dan pink;science;psychology;self help;self-help;aging;midlife;life planning;financial planning;pink;the power of when,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Decision-Making & Problem Solving,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Time Management,PSYCHOLOGY Social Psychology,PsychologyCognitive Psychology & Cognition,PsychologySocial Psychology,SCIENCE Time,ScienceTime,Business Decision Making,Business & Economics,BusinessEconomics
When The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Daniel H Pink 9780735210622 Books Reviews
I've read all of Pink's books, starting with Free Agent Nation back in 2002 when I launched my own business. He has a gift of taking boatloads of facts, research and scientific experiments and making it all readable and applicable for the common man. And that is what he has again delivered in When. The cited research can at times come at you fast and furious, as if it's on a pre-Christmas distribution center conveyor belt. But if you're patient, he will put eventually put a bow on it and tell you what it means for YOU. And to that note, I'm already using the When Daily Planner to prioritize my Peak, Trough and Recovery periods of the day. With Pink's books you will always learn something useful about humans at work and how you can personally benefit from the mounds of research on the topic.
Now my only question is...why was I just now taking time from my highly productive "Recovery" portion of the day to write a book review on ? Oh well, I guess I still have work to do in successfully implementing of all these great ideas!
I thought I was good at time management. And then I read Dan's new book. Now I realize that I knew nothing about the science of timing or true productivity. As with all Dan Pink books, When, is well written, well researched, and completely eye-opening. I can't wait to start applying the principles of When into my life and work. When should you buy this book? Now! It really is a game changer!
With a group of sixth graders today I read aloud the introduction to WHEN about Captain Turner's Decision. I asked the students to close their eyes and create pictures in their heads about the sinking of the ship the Lusitania. I read the few pages aloud, ok with some drama Daniel Pink would have been proud of! I did this as part of a lesson about comparing and contrasting the sinking of the Titanic to the Lusitania. Before we could get to my lesson objective the students wanted to know more about WHEN and the timing of things. They peppered me with questions that I don't have answers to, YET! I can't wait to read more of WHEN and share it with students and educators everywhere! #AwesomeDay
I expect that Pink will always write a worthwhile book, so I pre-ordered it, expecting a few good tidbits and affirmations of what I recommend on my site and in my book Life Value Productivity.
As he digs in deep(er) than almost all of us would never do (including many “good” writers), he comes up with insights that are counter to what we might think (or assume, using logic, but without verified facts!).
Though the most known is the day time (ultradian rhythm) which I also write about, he points out how this “flips” around to be a relative opposite for “night owls”, who do their recovery in the morning (though it is somewhat known, it is largely misunderstood and misapplied) - which is very, very, very significant for that 20% of so of the population who fall into that category.
Honoring one’s natural rhythm by doing the “right things at the right time” during the day is ONE OF THE VERY BIGGEST EFFECTORS OF EFFECTIVENESS and productivity and on one’s life in general, including one’s happiness.
The book is a “nice read”, but I would recommend that you first read the highly useful, super productive “guidebook” at the end of each chapter to see what to actually do - and then go back and read the rest more at your leisure.
Implement at least the first two chapter guidebooks right away, right into your life NOW (take no more than a week!). I also recommend you do the timing trick that he recommends for weight loss, where you can comfortably eat fewer calories...
These strategies are mostly the “just do this exact (easy) thing, and you WILL get ‘x’ desired result.” NOT JUST MAYBE...
Implement these 100%, strictly, into your life and schedule and I GUARANTEE your life will be massively improved!
Keith D. Garrick
Life Synthesist
When The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is the fourth book by bestselling American author, Daniel H. Pink. If we’re making an important life decision, what we decide obviously requires careful consideration. But what about when we decide? Could the time of day that we make a decision be significant? Could the time of day affect how well we learn or do our work? Does it really matter when we have that first cup of coffee? According to Dan Pink, it definitely does.
In this intriguing book, Pink examines the importance of good and bad timing. He begins by explaining how our individual chronotype (easily established) determines both our mood and our ability to perform at any given time of the day how it affects our professional and our ethical judgements, as well as our physical function.
But he doesn’t just pontificate on the best time to do something for future success and happiness. He acknowledges that not everyone can control their work environment or the financial climate as they enter the job market. Pink also gives practical suggestions for dealing with less than ideal conditions, as well as hints and tips to improve everyday life.
Pink supports his points with data and simple, clear graphs. The depth of his research is apparent in every paragraph, and supported by his extremely comprehensive (26-page) notes section detailing references for each chapter. As well as six suggestions for further reading, Pink includes an 8-page index. But the most useful thing about this book is his Time Hacker’s Handbook salient points from each section are condensed into summaries full of hints and tips and practical exercises that appear after each of the first six chapters.
Pink explains in detail why having a coffee before a power nap makes sense; why combining a lunch break with an education session at 1pm (as some teaching hospitals do with their Grand Rounds) is counterproductive (ditto 8am lectures for University students); when the worst time to be a hospital patient is, and why; and the reason some people have the so-called “mid-life crisis”.
He looks at the effects of starting one’s career during a depressed jobs-market; why a mid-point (in a project, in a career, in a life) can cause a slump or a spark; how to overcome a bad start; when to quit your job; when to get married; when to exercise; the importance of breaks; and much, much more. Illustrating his points are choirs and rowing teams and basketballers and dubbawalas delivering tiffin tins and Hanukkah candles and the captain of the Lusitania.
Pink’s fourth book should be compulsory reading for bosses, educators, and schedulers, for policymakers, company executives, and performers, but there is plenty in this fascinating book that the average person will find applicable to their lives. This is a quick read that rewards time spent with some excellent insights. Recommended!

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