Pleasure Unbound Demonica Book 1 Larissa Ione 9780446401036 Books

Pleasure Unbound Demonica Book 1 Larissa Ione 9780446401036 Books
A very interesting world within the world tale this author has woven. As with most series, it takes a little to understand what makes up this world and the characters within it. But once the reader begins to comprehend this demon world within the human world and delves into the character make ups and conflict, you can't help but become immersed in the storyline. Eidolon had me from the start. Tayla....she had to grow on me. There are so many intriguing beings running around the hospital that it is easy to see many storyline spring boarding from this. Nice start
Tags : Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, Book 1) [Larissa Ione] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div><b>In this dark and intriguing paranormal romance from </b><b > New York Times</i> bestselling author Larissa Ione,Larissa Ione,Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, Book 1),Forever,044640103X,Romance - Paranormal - General,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Romance Action & Adventure,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance Medical,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,FICTION Romance Paranormal Vampires,FICTION Women,Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,MASS MARKET,Romance - Paranormal,RomanceGeneral,immortals; vampire; dark; gothic; magic; paranormal; angel; demon; ghost; psychic; shifter; witch; werewolf; bad boy; doctor; antihero; comedic heroine; strong-willed heroine; opposites attract; forbidden; books like black dagger brotherhood; authors like j.r. ward; authors like christine feehan; buffy the vampire slayer; authors like lynsay sands
Pleasure Unbound Demonica Book 1 Larissa Ione 9780446401036 Books Reviews
I purchased this book in February, but between book reviews and my regular authors it kept getting pushed to the bottom of the list. Plus, the first couple of pages were a glossary of terms and classification. It seemed intimidating. Well, I just read it this week. I'm sorry I waited so long! What a great story! And all of the terms and such fell right into place. It wasn't even needed until after I read the book and that was just a bonus. The characters were very developed. The world the author created was vivid and fantastic. I really enjoyed the main characters and their building relationship. I even fell in love with E's brothers and can't wait for their stories! I've already bought the next book in the series!
I really need to start paying attention before I pick a book up. Okay, so the Demonica Series and the Lords of Deliverance Series can be read independently of each other, but they are interwoven just enough that I can't help but think that I would have gotten so much more out of both series if I would have started with this one. Unfortunately, I am now totally invested in both series and there is no turning back. *sigh* Just know, if I've caught you in time with this review, start with the Demonica Series first. Now, on with my review.
These characters are intense and not for the faint of heart. After all, the cast of characters include two separate entities. The first are demons and the second are humans who have forces to rid the world of demons. That's basically it. The two groups hate each other, with good reason. Or so it would seem. That turns the Demonica Series and Pleasure Unbound into the perfect scenario for a fantastic PNR series.
Eidolon was also the perfect demon to start with. Out of his brothers, he is the most level headed. Not that he's perfect, because he's not. He just has more patience and self control. If any demon can change Tayla's opinion it is him. It isn't easy though and both of them fight the attraction as much as they can. The outcome is inevitable, but the journey is crazy and not easy by any means.
There is a lot of ground work laid in Pleasure Unbound for the rest of the series, but the main story didn't suffer because of it. The supporting characters were introduced and added a lot to what was happening with the main focus of the first book. Sometimes world building and background information can leave the main story in the dust, but I didn't get any of that from this book. I like it when a series starts strong. In that way, for me, Pleasure Unbound delivered.
The only complaint that I had about this book I think is that there was so much hate coming off of Tayla. It was totally understandable and I think it wouldn't have been true to her character if she had given in to her attraction any sooner than she did but it still bothered me. I'm not sure if that vibe came from the fact that I was already familiar with some of these characters or not, so I'll let it slide. I still enjoyed the story, regardless. I can't take back the knowledge that I've gained from Lords of Deliverance so I'll just deal.
The next book in the series is Shade's book, Desire Unchained. I've already ordered it, but I've also already ordered the 3rd book in the Lords of Deliverance Series (Lethal Rider). I guess when they get here I'll just have to flip a coin to see which book I read first. ;)
In the face of so many glowing reviews, I guess I expected to be blown away by this book, but really? I wasn't. Not that I didn't like it, because I did, but it didn't have an "OMG, WOW!" factor for me that it seems to have had for others. Maybe it's because I mostly had to read it in short snippets over several days, I dunno, but nothing here really left my jaw hanging or anything.
One thing that keeps me from being totally wow'd by this book is the heroine, Tayla. For the most part, I didn't really like her. She's supposed to be a badass demon slayer, and she is, at least in terms of fighting ability and talent, but her attitude seems kind of off, especially since she's also supposed to be a loyal soldier of the Aegis. It's clear almost from the start though that she has some attitude problems, and isn't necessarily as loyal as she pretends to be. She withholds information from them about her "condition", which she has no idea what's wrong with her, just that she has something going on that causes "seizures" that debilitate her suddenly and with little or no warning. Clearly this is something her superiors should know about if they're sending her out in the field, but she keeps quiet, because she doesn't trust them to not find a way to eliminate her and thus eliminate a liability if they find out. Actually, trust issues are her main attitude problem all around, and her defense mechanisms cause her to be more than a little arrogant, full of bravado, and downright rude for little or no reason many times. She's also not above smacking the hand that feeds her, as witnessed by her treatment of Eidolon as well as her mistrust of the Aegis members she works with. Though she does have some legitimate reasons for being mistrustful of others, she takes it to ridiculous lengths, refusing to give some people a chance even when they've been nothing but kind and helpful toward her just because of who or what they are.
In contrast to the hard-to-like heroine, Eidolon is a truly likeable hero. For all that he's a demon, is on the verge of a transformation that will likely turn him into a true monster, he's really a gentle and kind soul that just happened to be born on the wrong side of the good/evil line. We see this right from the beginning when Tayla is brought into his hospital. He has every reason to turn her away because of what she is, but he doesn't, and he even protects her from his brothers and others who want to torture her for information on the Aegis and then kill her. He's not a total or true pacifist though, for even he is apt to fly into a murderous rage under the right circumstances, and we also see examples here and there of how his morals can be pretty flexible on some issues, including being largely indifferent to some things that most (on the good side anyway) would be repulsed or at least offended by. Mostly though he's able to keep a cool head through any crisis or turmoil, and this, combined with his extensive patience and tolerance where Tayla and her actions are concerned, is a lot of what makes the book work and makes it an enjoyable read.
Given the nature of the seminus demons, I don't think you can really review this book (or likely any in the series) without touching on the sex, and I have to admit that most of it is pretty hot. Ione does a great job at building and portraying sexual tension not just as a lead up to sex, but also during the numerous times when Tayla and Eidolon are seriously lusting after one another but refusing to give into the urges. The sex isn't really what took center stage here though, for the rich descriptions, tangible emotions, and intricately layered plot are what really captured my interest. I particularly liked how the author kept the focus on the immediate problems the characters were trying to overcome and solve, but then once they had, gave us just a few glimpses at how what they were dealing with was truly just the surface of a much deeper plot, one that shows signs of perhaps being aimed against demons and Aegis alike. Some authors would have been hinting at the deeper layers all along, which likely would have just distracted from the immediate problems that needed to be solved, and so I liked that Ione didn't overwhelm us with too much depth all at once, but rather let us chew our way through the crust before letting us get a glimpse of how much more lay beyond what had been dealt with.
Fans of paranormal romance, especially those with a good bit of steam, will enjoy this book I'm sure. There's a little something for everyone with the inclusion of demons of many varieties, vampires, shifters, and possibly a few things we haven't encountered yet. This is one I'd definitely recommend, and I'll be looking forward to continuing the series.
I absolutely loved this book. It began me on a series that I am still enjoying. While I have enjoyed them all this first book is still one of my favorites because the character of Eidolon is so incredibly perfect. Smart, sexy and loves his brothers - how can you not love this book? It begins a world of Underworld General Hospital and each book connects the characters. I love how old characters continue to return in later books. It is just so much fun. I hope she keeps writing in this world because I am hooked!
A very interesting world within the world tale this author has woven. As with most series, it takes a little to understand what makes up this world and the characters within it. But once the reader begins to comprehend this demon world within the human world and delves into the character make ups and conflict, you can't help but become immersed in the storyline. Eidolon had me from the start. Tayla....she had to grow on me. There are so many intriguing beings running around the hospital that it is easy to see many storyline spring boarding from this. Nice start

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