Leadership in Small Bites 40 Life in Small Bites 'One Bite at a Time' eBook James G Yarbrough Wise Sages

Lessons in Leadership - 'One Bite at a Time'
Oriental philosopher, Hang Sen, said, “Man who listens to wisdom of many masters takes shortcut to success.”
Imagine yourself many years from now, reflecting on your life and saying “I regret nothing I have done, or have not done, as I was in control of my own life...” What would need to change for you to get to that point?
Let Jim Yarbrough and his Wise Sages take you on a journey of self-exploration and self-improvement by using the life of a jet pilot as metaphor, to expose yourself to inspirational stories, poems and quotes with only one thought in mind to help you develop skills and dispositions related to Leadership, General Wisdom, Personal Development, Courage, and Success.
“Leadership is a ‘can-do’,
‘whatever-it- takes’ attitude.” - Orville Schell
“Vision without Action is a daydream.
Acton without Vision is a nightmare.” - Japanese Proverb
Leadership is more ‘art than science’. Science - knowledge and techniques - can be learned. Effective techniques must accommodate culture, environment, and present circumstances. Art is physical expression of an intention. Timely decisive expression (action) is crucial to effective leadership.
The ‘art’ of Leadership in Small Bites is a self-help manual organizing the guiding principles into the following subjects
Some principles about ‘Action’ and ‘Success’
Like Robert Frost’s “Two roads diverged into a wood…” two streams of thought diverge into different actions leading to different outcomes. When outcomes don’t match hopes we can wallow remorsefully in the ‘woulda, shoulda, coulda’ (WSC) of unmet expectations, cloaking ourselves in de-energizing disappointment or we can courageously don the armor of responsible action, acknowledging that no one other than self is at the controls and everyday allows us to reshape the WSC.
Allow these Small Bites to be more than empty calories – Reflect on them in a way that they become energizing vitamin boosters for taking action.
“Be all that you can be.” - US Army
“Do all that you can do.” - Anonymous
Although thoughtful planning precedes success, planning that supplants ‘doing’ locks-in inertia. Hoping is not a strategy. Waiting for ‘just the right time’ is like eagerly waiting for the delivery-man and then refusing to answer the door when he comes.
Remember changing your thinking is only the first step in changing your life. Life changes only occur when we change our ‘doing’.
How you define Success has a large impact on your motivation. For Jim, success has never been just a private victory. Success always required lifting-up the aspirations, achievements, and well-being of others also. How would it feel being the richest, most accomplished person standing alone on the moon?
I encourage you to digest these Small Bites and pilot your life for the greater well-being of others which is the surest way to leverage your own success.
Leadership in Small Bites 40 Life in Small Bites 'One Bite at a Time' eBook James G Yarbrough Wise Sages
I expected more management information. Too mamy quotes for me. Not what I expected.Product details

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Leadership in Small Bites 40 Life in Small Bites 'One Bite at a Time' eBook James G Yarbrough Wise Sages Reviews
I was given this book as a graduation present, and it has been small enough to stick with me through the years since. I don't read it too often, but its good to have to pick up and read a couple. Although I know most of them by now, I still continue to draw new energy from every one I read. Thank you Mr. Yarbrough
My new favorite book. I refer to it frequently when I need some good advice. I've been able to apply at work and with my daughters.
I received this book as a gift and it has re-inspired me to get back into the martial arts as well as being outside in the wilderness getting after it. Life and time sometimes dulls your body and mind, this book is the sharpening stone for sharpening yourself and becoming the swift blade by which to manage life. Reading the inspirational and motivating quotes resounded with me and the added value it brings to daily life is beyond the investment you make into this book.
It has become part of my daily breakfast routine, nothing better than cereal and small bites to start your day.
Jim's views on leadership come in a refreshing format. Instead of lengthy dry sermons, Jim approaches the modern challenges of leadership in what he calls "small bites". That is, he presents each lesson in short digestible pieces. Jim mixes examples from his personal and professional life, along with larger examples from society to illustrate each point on leadership. Some lessons are heartwarming, some somber, some humorous, but all are valuable. Small Bites is a very enjoyable read! This is a book that you can pick up and read for just a few minutes and gain very valuable insight. Highly recommend!
Many of life’s lessons are packed into this powerful book. Filled with stories, anecdotes and quotes, Small Bites invites the reader to enjoy – no, savor – the author’s wisdom in “small bites.” Broken into discreet chapters and themes, it offers a series of short stories with lessons learned, acronyms, and structured outlines to help the reader remember salient points, and page breaks to give them time to jot down their own thoughts.
At its heart, this is a management book for life. But it’s more than that. It’s a guide intended to help the discerning reader find an easier path on the road of life. Light on spirituality but heavy on profundity, the book weaves the strands of wisdom from many ancient and modern philosophies into a beautiful tapestry of poetry and prose. Few books quote Gandhi, Michael Josephson, Mark Twain, John Wooden, and others with such eloquence.
I enjoyed the personal stories that the author shared showing his humanity and his quest to rise above the challenges that made him a better person. Not many writers are so willing to share some of the most difficult – and compromising – moments of their lives with an unknown audience, but Yarbrough did. And he did it with class, using his own lessons learned to demonstrate a better way the reader can follow.
The author wrote this book for his three children. It’s a labor of love they can cherish forever. He could have kept this treasure to himself or in the family, but he chose instead to share it with all of us. I appreciate his sincerity and learned at least one take-away in each chapter applicable to my own life. This is the kind of book you don’t read once; you read it over and over again to glean new insights. If I have any quibble about this wonderful book, it is this – I hope that the author’s next book will expound more on his own great quotes.
I give Small Bites five (5) stars and highly recommend it to anyone with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and who enjoys wisdom in small, succinct bites.
I expected more management information. Too mamy quotes for me. Not what I expected.

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